Thursday, March 22, 2012

Calling Hunger Games Fans!

I was super bored and stuck inside all day, so I decided to go on Club Penguin, which I haven't been on in a while. Someone was having a Hunger Games at their igloo, and I spotted this penguin:
Best. Penguin. Ever.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

my thoughts on transfromice's future paid membership

As you might know Transformice is going to initiate paid currency and membership. With this turn of events I can't help but worry that TFM will go the same way as Club Penguin. CP (club penguin) used to be a cool game, but now you need membership for everything, and now they are pulling new content out of  their asshole. example:

Hannah Montana outfit   }:C
 So I hope that Transformice doesn't go to the the cats (What, I can't make a mouse joke?) like a lot of other online games.
AnayaG out peace!!!